Zatarra_Rafaël shadow-photo on page with information about performance on Festival Lorelei_2022

About Zatarra Rafaël

I Am that I Am

Consciousness adventurer and life-artist,
who loves to shine,
explore and experiment.
Expressing in many artistic ways.
For now mainly through photography and poetry.

Are you open to surprise?

Creative process

The creative process is like an experience,
in which I open up to a landscape
with uncountable possibilities.
Then I follow my heart, vision and wisdom, and choose.

As a photographic artist and poet I allow my creativity to come to me, from within. Ultimately the most marvelous works, come from within.


Fotoacademie, Amsterdam, NL
Autonomous, illustrative
Graduated December 2016


Screenings Photo-Animation

A Road to Magnum Opus
(graduation version)


Online Publications

Poetry Recitations

from 2016 - now

Stages for Poetry:


Fine art photo called Vanishing Ego from the project A Road to Magnum Opus
Portret about me page