Online publication March 2024

In March 2024 I again participated in the poetry carousel of the Haarlemse Dichtlijn (Haarlem Poetry Line).

This time a wonderful poem by poet Simon Mulder as inspiration and start of the carousel.
My response to his poem, as well as from all other poets, can still be read at the website of the Haarlemse Dichtlijn.

Again it has become an interesting carousel from various perspectives. Allow yourself to be inspired for as long as the publication is online. You can still read my poem at my poetry page. Simon Mulder’s poem I’ve found here, in the archive of the Haarlem Dichtlijn.

Afbeelding bij gedicht: Misschien wil ik nieuwsgierig blijven naar jou. Winterlandschap met mens in het midden en appelbloesems.

Images created using AI. Prompt components of my poem. In post-production I brought together various images and edited them.